The school is aimed at students of singing and opera singers of any nationality between 16 and 35 years.
The professional opera singer, today, must have many means and resources besides the voice: he must be prepared musician, he must have the physique suitable for the role, preparation and musical ductility, speed in meeting the wishes and needs of conductor and director, must master the strategies to be known in the world of opera.
For this reason the study plan of the SINGING SCHOOL is structured in order to prepare young singers to acquire a mature artistic awareness necessary to reach their full potential, including the skills necessary for a dramatic and creative vision.
Focused on the acquisition of the art of traditional Italian Belcanto – fundamental technique in terms of total voice control – the educational project is aimed at achieving a 360-degree training that allows access to the world of work with a adequate and professionally impeccable preparation.
Students are guided to become aware, progressively, of all the aspects necessary to face the transition from study to the profession: curriculum, choice of repertoire, agencies, competitions, vocal hygiene, emotional problems related to the performance, etc.
The training process benefits, in fact, from the interaction with lyrical agents who can guide and assist young singers in their career.
Study options
Academic Course
• From 15 January to 19 June 2024
• Issuance of the certificate of enrolment, which enables the student to apply for a study Visa or to obtain a permit to stay.
• Admission also at course started with personal calendar
• 20 Lessons of singing
• 8 Repertoire coaching lessons
• 1 Seminar of techniques of scenic interpretation
• 2 Lessons of diction
• Concerts at the venue
• ” Final Rush ” (musical and scenic staging of the final concert)
• Final concert, semi-scenic form
• Certificate of attendance
• Audition with agents
• Discount on Masterclasses Cantoalato
Teachers and Subjects
Luca Canonici: SINGING (high voices)
Anna Laura Longo: SINGING
Daria Masiero: SINGING
Armando Ariostini: SINGING (basses/baritones)
Maria Brivio: DICTION
1500€ Registration + 1500€ Frequency (divided into two installments of 750€ within the course start and 750€ in mid-course)
Registration and Regulation
For the academic year 2024, registrations are open until December 15th, 2023.
Documents to be attached to the application form to be sent to
1) Completed registration form (download pdf)
2) Title page of passport or identity card
3) Curriculum including any teaching and/or concert activities
4) Audio or video recording of one or more arias sung by the candidate (mp4 or YouTube format)
5) Proof of payment of the registration fee to be made by bank transfer to the order of:
Associazione Euterpe Ottavanota
Iban: IT41H0623001619000040312311
Reason: ACADEMIC COURSE 2024 – Name and Surname of the student.
Alternatively, payment can be made at the OttavaNota secretariat open every working day from 3 pm to 7 pm in cash, credit card, ATM, cheque or satispay.
The Attendance fee must be paid by 8 January 2024; in a single solution or in two installments according to the arrangements to be agreed with the secretariat.
If the requests are higher than the maximum number established, a selection will be made based on the audio/ video materials sent.
To all subscribers who for lack of seats will not be accepted, by 20 December 2023 will be given notice via e-mail and will be returned the full amount of the fee paid.
NB At the discretion of the secretariat, applications for registration may be accepted even after the above dates, provided that by 15th February 2024.
The total number of lessons and seminars will be kept unchanged.
Art. 1 – PLACE
All lessons and seminars take place at Ottavanota, Via Marco Bruto 24, Milan.
Upon agreement with the secretary and availability of the classrooms, students can use the spaces and instruments (pianos) of the Academy to practice on time between 10am and 10pm.
Art. 2 – OTHER
The Organization will not cover any bank charges related to the transfer of money from abroad.
Room and board are paid by the participants.
Those who wish to participate in Masterclass Cantoalato will benefit from a 10% discount.
Subscribers who wish to purchase single lessons or lesson packages, in addition to those provided by the Academic Course Calendar, will benefit from a 10% discount.
Accademia Cantoalato offers the possibility of language lessons and Italian conversation – on request also with teachers of native language of the country indicated. Rates are to be agreed with the Secretariat.
Participants outside Europe must submit to the organizing secretariat the visa and/or residence permit for entry into the Territory of the Italian Republic, as required by current legislation.
Accademia Cantoalato/Ottavanota can issue the necessary documentation which enables the student to apply for a study Visa or to obtain a permit to stay.
A. The fees paid will not be refunded, even partially, in the event of a waiver by the student.
B. OttavaNota and Accademia Cantoalato are not responsible for the possible suspension of activities for reasons beyond their control; in the event that the lessons or seminars could not be held on the dates indicated, however, the new dates will be postponed and promptly communicated.
C. Students must be present for the entire period of the Academic Course, otherwise the certificate will not be issued and admission to the final concert.
D. Lessons that the member was unable to carry out for proven and documented health problems and/ or impediments due to force majeure, may be recovered after evaluation by the Secretariat.
Art. 4 – Final concert
The final concert will be held at the prestigious Salone d’Onore of Casa Verdi, Milan (see calendar)..
It is advisable to have an elegant or formal dress.
Agents and/or organizers will be invited.
The students who in the unquestionable opinion of the teacher will be distinguished during the Academic Course for particular artistic talents, may be included in the programs of the events organized by Accademia Cantoalato, and reported to organisers and/or agents working with the Academy.
At the end of the Academic Course will be issued a certificate of participation to all students who have attended the entire course. The certificate will be issued by Accademia Cantoalato – Associazione Euterpe Ottavanota.
A professional photo shoot of the course and the final concert will be held. The images will be made available free of charge.
Art. 7 – Professional video recording
A good video recording to send to agents and/ or organizers is an important detail, to which to give the right attention.
The work done professionally by Cantoalato is made with two cameras, editing, graphic introduction and titles.
Cost: 70€
Subscribers who need the video recording of the song/s performed/s in the final concert must indicate it in the registration form and add the fee (70€) to the payment to be made for registration.
(If 2 arias are performed, the cost for the second aria is 30€ and must be paid to the secretariat on the day of the concert).
The video recording made by Cantoalato, in agreement with Casa Verdi, is the only authorized recording.
The video recording of the concert by the public and/ or anyone operating in private, outside the staff of Casa Verdi and Accademia Cantoalato is not allowed.
Art. 8 – WAIVER
In case of withdrawal for serious reasons (after evaluation by the Organization on the gravity of the reasons communicated), the participation fee may be returned only if the vacancy is filled by a new student, all by 15 December 2023).
After this date or for any other waiver, the fees paid will not be refunded.
Art. 9 – Cancellation and liability
For reasons of force majeure or proven necessity, the Organization reserves the right to cancel the course with the total refund of the registration and participation fees.
The Organization declines any responsibility for any damage to persons or property during the course of the Academic Course.
Art. 10 – Processing of personal data
Pursuant to art. 10 of Law n. 675/96 on “personal data protection” informs you that the data provided at registration will be collected and processed for the purposes of this Academic Course.
Art. 11 – Release on audio, video and photo rights
the Organization reserves the right to make videos, audio recordings and photos during the duration of the Masterclass, and to use all the material for promotional purposes by publishing it on websites, socials, radio and television without paying fees to any participant.
Art. 12 – Copyright and intellectual property
Accademia Cantoalato/Ottavanota holds the rights of distribution, dissemination and use of audio, video, publications and/or other recordings related to the Masterclass in question.
The audio and video Materials given to the student are for private use (direct sending to third parties); may be used for public use (publication on social and/or youtube) only with written permission issued by Cantoalato/Ottavanota,
Recordings (audio or video) of lessons are allowed, only and exclusively for personal use. By signing the registration you accept the explicit clause not to disseminate such audio or video materials by any means or instrument.
Enrolment in the Academic Course implies unconditional acceptance of these regulations.
Ottavanota: Via Marco Bruto, 24 – Milano
- Subway M4: stop Forlanini
- Suburban Train (S5, S6, S9): stop Forlanini
- Autobus n° 73: stop Forlanini; n° 66 e n° 45: stop Piazza Ovidio
- Tram n° 27 : stop Marco Bruto
Please note that the Residence Futura located in front of the Academy (Via Montessori 14, Milano), in agreement with Ottavanota practice the following prices:
single 70€ – instead of 80€
double or triple 90€ (total) – instead of 100€
The rooms are equipped with bathroom and kitchenette.
We also point out Miohostel (Viale delle Rimembranze in Lambrate 14, Milan) which offers a wide range of room options and medium-low prices. For conditions in agreement contact the Secretariat.
OttavaNota, Via Marco Bruto 24 – Milano (Italy)
Office times (5-8 pm): phone +39 0289658114
M° Muglialdo: + 39 3487001383
Director: M° Gioele Muglialdo
Organizing Secretary: Elisabetta Ronchi
Academic Course Calendar
Academic Year 2024
Singing – Maestro Ariostini
January 16, 23
February 6, 13, 20, 27
March 5, 12,19, 26
April 3, 9, 16, 23, 30
May 7, 14, 21, 28
June 4
Singing – Maestro Canonici
(Mon., Tues., Wed.)
January 29, 30, 31
February 19, 20, 21
March 25, 26, 27
April 28, 29, 30
May 20, 21, 22
June 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Singing – Prof.ssa. Longo
January 18, 25
February 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
March 7, 14, 21, 28
April 4, 11, 18
May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Singing – Prof. Masiero
January 17, 24, 31
February 7, 14, 21, 28
March 6, 13, 20, 27
April 3, 10, 17, 24
May 8, 15, 22, 29
June 5
Score – Maestro Muglialdo
January 19
February 23
March 15
March 29
April 19
May 10
May 17
June 14
Diction – Dr. Brivio
March 16
April 20
Stage interpretation seminar – Del Cherico
April 13, 14, 15
Final rush
June 16, 17, 18, 19
Final concert
June 19th
Periodo e modalità di svolgimento
La Scuola di Canto è aperta da ottobre a giugno.
L’allievo può scegliere il proprio maestro. Qualora l’allievo non esprima preferenze, lo staff didattico indicherà il maestro/i più idoneo alle sue esigenze.
Programma Musicale
Il Corso Accademico verte principalmente sull’approfondimento del repertorio belcantistico. Si estende al repertorio operistico fino al Novecento, per il quale la “tecnica di canto all’italiana” rappresenta base fondamentale ed insostituibile. Oltre allo studio di arie liriche e da camera, vengono affrontati duetti e brani d’insieme tratti da opere.
Lezioni di Canto
Tutte le lezioni di canto prevedono la presenza del pianista accompagnatore.
Durata lezione: 1 ora.
Studio dello spartito
Le lezioni si prefiggono di fornire allo studente mezzi e metodo di studio necessari per l’apprendimento di un’opera nella sua interezza.
Particolare attenzione verrà data alle differenze stilistiche di genere e periodo storico, con approfondimenti sull’aspetto tecnico, sul fraseggio, sull’esegesi del testo musicale tra i vari autori.
Durata lezione individuale: 1 ora.
Per chi intende affrontare lo studio del canto è essenziale rendere linguisticamente comprensibile la propria esecuzione/interpretazione: la giusta pronuncia e la corretta emissione dei fonemi italiani sono alla base di tale studio.
Le lezioni consistono nell’apprendimento della corretta dizione con successivo studio del testo di una o più arie, o di un’opera scelta.
Potranno essere calendarizzate anche lezioni collettive per consentire l’interazione dialogica tra più personaggi.
Durata lezione individuale: 1 ora.
Seminario: Tecniche di Interpretazione Scenica
Obiettivi: fornire ai giovani artisti le basi della recitazione scenica, ossia le strategie per entrare nei diversi personaggi che dovranno affrontare nella loro carriera. Gli studenti potranno acquisire e consolidare i fondamenti utili per il lavoro attoriale.
Verranno approfonditi temi come:
• Studio del corpo nello spazio scenico teatrale
• Postura e mimica
• Gestualità e suoi effetti psicologici sul pubblico
• Gli “affetti”, l’emozione sulla respirazione del canto
• Il metodo Stanislavskij applicato alla lirica
Il Seminario ha durata di tre giorni.
Concerti presso la sede
Con cadenza bimensile sarà calendarizzato un concerto degli iscritti delle varie classi presso l’auditorium dell’Accademia, Via Marco Bruto 24 Milano.
“Rush finale”
Il “Rush Finale” consiste in quattro giorni di lezioni di Canto, che si intersecano al lavoro scenico/registico.
A discrezione dei docenti, le lezioni possono essere gestite in modo da permettere lo studio dei brani d’insieme.
Viene montata la regia vera e propria di arie, duetti e scene d’insieme: il lavoro verte sulle sinergie sceniche, sulla solidarietà in scena nei pezzi d’assieme, sulla fisicità connessa alla tecnica e alla respirazione.
La regia delle varie arie permette una simulazione della realtà dell’opera lirica in teatro, pertanto il concerto finale sarà in forma semiscenica.
Concerto Finale
Il Concerto Finale avrà luogo presso Casa Verdi, Milano, nel mese di giugno.
Durante il “Rush Finale” saranno presenti uno o più agenti che collaborano con Cantoalato: i partecipanti potranno chiedere consigli su come individuare e valorizzare i propri punti di forza per muovere i primi passi nel mondo professionale dell’Opera.
Attestato di frequenza
A tutti gli iscritti sarà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza, con il dettaglio delle lezioni/corsi frequentati.
Lessons Packages and/or Single Lessons
Lessons take place from October to June. The student can choose her/his own teacher. If the student does not express any preferences, the teaching staff will indicate the teacher/s most suitable for her/his needs.
Luca Canonici: SINGING (high voices)
Anna Laura Longo: SINGING
Daria Masiero: SINGING
Armando Ariostini: SINGING (basses/baritones)
Maria Brivio: DICTION
1 Singing lesson*: 120 €
3 Singing lessons: 345 € (discount 15 €)
6 Singing lessons: 660 € (discount 60 €)
12 Singing lessons: 1260 € (discount 180 €)
1 Repertoire coachng lesson: 70 €
3 Repertoire coachng lessons: 195 € (discount 15 €)
6 Repertoire coachng lessons: 360 € (discount 60 €)
1 Diction lesson: 50 €
Seminary-Technique of stage representation: 350 €
Registraton and Regulation
Lessons Packages Calendar
Academic Year 2024
Singing – Maestro Ariostini
January 16, 23
February 6, 13, 20, 27
March 5, 12,19, 26
April 3, 9, 16, 23, 30
May 7, 14, 21, 28
June 4
Singing – Maestro Canonici
(Mon., Tues., Wed.)
January 29, 30, 31
February 19, 20, 21
March 25, 26, 27
April 28, 29, 30
May 20, 21, 22
June 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Singing – Prof.ssa. Longo
January 18, 25
February 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
March 7, 14, 21, 28
April 4, 11, 18
May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Singing – Prof. Masiero
January 17, 24, 31
February 7, 14, 21, 28
March 6, 13, 20, 27
April 3, 10, 17, 24
May 8, 15, 22, 29
June 5
Score – Maestro Muglialdo
January 19
February 23
March 15
March 29
April 19
May 10
May 17
June 14
Diction – Dr. Brivio
March 16
April 20
Stage interpretation seminar – Del Cherico
April 13, 14, 15
Final rush
June 16, 17, 18, 19
Final concert
June 19th